Press Releases

Kitten Season is Here

Memorial Day Celebration

Board Recognizes May as Mental Health Awareness Month

Our dear Yachter Otter has provided the city of Pawnee, Indiana with many years of service and will retire effective July 1, 2024. Please wish him a bon voyage!

In an effort to address parking concerns throughout downtown Goldsboro, the City will begin enforcement of two-hour on-street parking within the managed parking zone.

Wildlife biologists at the N.C.

The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission voted at its business meeting today to adopt eight proposed rules related to wildlife management for the 2023-24 seasons. The proposed fisheries, game lands regulations for the 2023-24 seasons will be considered at an upcoming Commission meeting.

North Carolina’s Broadband Infrastructure Office released its Digital Inclusion Plan Template and Guide this week to help local governments create plans for closing the state's digital divide.

And this is the story.

Google will provide any U.S. business over $100,000 worth of online courses in data analytics, design and other tech skills for their workers free of charge, the search company said on Monday.